LifeGeorge Zhang


LifeGeorge Zhang

I visited the Bay Area for the first time recently with my friends Vince and Calvin.


Calvin is a reporter for the Santa Cruz Sentinel. He often tweets (@CalvinMenAtWork) about news in Santa Cruz. Since he covers the court system and breaking news, his tweets had led me to believe that Santa Cruz was full of murderers and arsonists.

I was surprised to discover a pleasant surf town with great beaches and panoramic views of the ocean. We visited in October—apparently not the season for surfing—so it served as a quiet refuge from our busy big city lives.


We did, of course, visit the big city as well.

Telegraph Hill

Telegraph Hill

Japanese Tea Garden

Japanese Tea Garden

Golden Gate Bridge at dusk

Golden Gate Bridge at dusk

George spent too much time on the computer when he was a teenager, so now he's a web designer and developer. In his free time, he enjoys taking photos and wrestling bears.